Videos Bharat Punj September 3, 2023 Visit BharatPunj Youtube Channel : YouTube Channel Bharat Punj BHARAT PUNJ aims to kindle the spirit of Bharat in our Youth – Inspire the Present and Future generations to be confident flag-bearers of a glorious heritage, righteous leaders of the future, to fulfil their potential for the betterment of the World! We bring together highly knowledgeable writers, speakers to showcase content on topics ranging from Vedic knowledge, our eternal Scriptures and Itihasas, the Shastras, the eminent personalities who have shaped our nation; showcasing the immense heritage of Bharat-varsh. Challenges before Hindus and Future - Anurag Johari हिन्दू समाज की चुनौतियाँ और भविष्य, अध्यक्षीय सम्बोधन - डॉ. ग्याप्रसाद दुबे श्रीकृष्ण मिश्रा जी (कैलाश आश्रम) का उदबोधन काव्यपाठ सरस्वती वंदना - C.K. Solanki Ji Sambhal, Ashok Singhal, and Hinduism - Dr. Sumant Gupta हिन्दू की पहचान, हिन्दू कौन है ? - डॉ. महेश द्विवेदी सनातन और अन्य धर्मों में भेद - Dr. Alka Pathak हिन्दू रक्षा का आह्वान - अमनदीप Team Bharat Punj Mainpuri युवा सनातन प्रहरी Social Impact of Missionary Activities and What We Have Not Learnt Yet