Hindu Rituals


Hindu rituals are based on Eternal Laws- Cosmic Orders



Before birth

Hindus pray to protect the fetus from illness or harmful spirits

A few weeks after birth Baby is given its name

A few years after birth

Hindu girls have an ear-piercing ceremony

Boys and girls have their haircut, symbolizing renewal



Only for male (Brahmins), (Kshatriyas), and (Vaisyas)

Represents initiation into the religious community

Meaning of the seven strands of the sacred thread

  1. Power of speech
  2. Memory
  3. Intelligence
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Steadfastness
  6. Prosperity
  7. Good reputation

End of the ceremony of the sacred thread: Boy promises to live up to these seven qualities and wears the thread for the rest of his life.



Ceremony centres around a sacred fire. Saptapadi (English: seven steps, saptapadī) is the most important rite (Sanskrit: rītī) of a Hindu marriage ceremony. The word, Saptapadi means “Seven steps”. After tying the Mangalsutra, the newlywed couple takes seven steps, which is called Saptapadi. After the seventh step, the couple legally becomes husband and wife Ritual involves: Priest leads couple around the fire, offerings made to fire. The couple ends the ceremony by taking 7 steps around flames – very significant as bonds the couple for life.



Hindus believe that burning the body, and, hence, destroying it, helps the departed soul get over any residual attachment it may have developed for the deceased person. The body is formed out of a varying combination of the five elements: Prithvi (earth), sky or ether, wind or air, fire or heat, water.

Rituals of cremation, which culminate in the dissipation of the body (ashes) into the five elements.

Hindu custom: bodies are cremated (burned)

Like marriage-rite of passage into death centres around the sacred fire – fire believed to cleanse the body as it goes through a rebirth. A funeral procession with a body wrapped in cloth carried by family to cremation grounds recites prayers to the chosen god of the deceased. Eldest son lights fire. Ritual of prayers & offerings. The ceremony ends with ashes thrown into a river – believe waters will help purify their souls. At death, all earthly ties are suspended. Death, cremation, and post-cremation rites are performed for thirteen days after death; this mourning period allows the grieving family to come to terms with the loss and chaos of a death. Agni Sanskar (cremation) leads the dead from this world to the next.



Pradeep Mishra
Pradeep Kumar Mishra is a published author of a wide variety of bestselling books in several genres on an array of subjects, with the motive to help society and people. https://www.amazon.com/author/pradeepkumarmishra