As per Hindu traditions, the Saptarishi (Sanskrit -सप्तर्षि ) are the seven greatest sages of the Vedic realm. It is also believed that they have attained a semi-immortal status, that of an exceedingly long lifespan due to their yogic power and by the power of their penance.
The Saptarishi are extolled at many places in the Vedas and other Hindu scriptures. The Vedic Samhitas have never enumerated these Rishis by name, though later Vedic texts such as the Brahmanas and Upanisads have mentioned their names. They are regarded in the Vedas as the patriarchs of the Vedic system.
The Jaiminiya Brahmana 2.218–221 has given the earliest list of the Seven Rishis (sages) namely Agastya, Atri, Bhardwaj, Gautam, Jamadagni, Vashistha and Vishvamitra. It was followed by Brihadaranyaka Upanisad 2.2.6 with a slightly different list: Atri, Bharadvaja, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kashyapa, Vashistha and Vishwamitra. A later text Gopatha Brahmana 1.2.8 has mentioned Vashistha, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Gungu, Agastya and Kashyapa.
All the Saptarishi are known as Brahmarishis which means they have completely understood the meaning of Brahman. Usually, its believed that one cannot rise to the level of a Brahmarishi through merit alone since the order was created divinely and is appointed by Lord Brahma, the originator of this universe. However, Rishi Vishwamitra rose to the position of a Brahmarishi through his own merit alone. He performed meditation and austerities (Tapasya) for a long and as a result, he was awarded the rank of Brahmarishi from Bramha himself.